valerian root powder


Valeriana officinalis L.

Valerian Valeriana officinalis is a herbaceous plant native to Europe and North America, characterized by its distinctive fragrance. It is often used for its sleep-inducing and stress-reducing properties.

Read the detailed description

Our references

valerian root powder
Plant extract

>0.42% acides sesquitérpeniques totaux – rech valepotriates


valerian root powder
Plant extract

>0,2% acides sesquiterpeniques – abs. valepotriates


valerian root powder
Plant extract

>0,8% ac. sesquiterp.


valerian root powder
Plant extract

[0,2-0,4]% acides sesquiterpeniques


valerian root powder


and analysis

Identification : TLC

Data on traditional use

Cahier de l’agence du médicament (France):

  • Reduces nervousness in adults and children, particularly in the case of sleep disorders

EMA monograph :

  • Symptomatic relief from mental stress and sleep aid

Monographie Canada :

  • Used as a sedative and to promote sleep

German monograph BGA-BfArM :

  • Used for agitation and sleep disorders
Plant bylaw file

Detailed description

Valerian Valeriana officinalis is a herbaceous plant in the Valerianaceae family. Native to Europe and North America, it is characterized by its distinctive odor, very pronounced in the root when harvested. It has been used for centuries to aid digestion and kidney elimination. It is also said to have a positive effect on sleep, improving the time it takes to fall asleep and the quality of sleep. It is also said to act on stress symptoms, promoting relaxation.

Its sleep-inducing effects are thought to be due to its composition, notably its richness in valepotriates (iridoid triesters) and volatile oils: monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes including valeric acid.

The hypothesis suggests that valerian components interact with the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor, thereby enhancing the expression of GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.