Feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium, is a herbaceous plant native to Central Asia and the Mediterranean basin. It is traditionally used to prevent headaches and for premenstrual syndrome. Read the detailed description
and analysis
Identification : TLC
Data on traditional use
Cahier de l’agence du médicament (France):
Used for painful periods
Used for headaches
EMA monograph :
Used for headaches (powder)
WHO monograph :
Used for indigestion
Monographie Canada :
Used to aid digestion,
Used to help relieve headaches
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Detailed description
Feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium, also known as Partenelle, is a herbaceous plant in the Asteraceae family. It is native to Central Asia and the Mediterranean basin, and is now found in Europe, Asia and the Americas.
Feverfew leaves contain sesquiterpene lactones, including parthenolide, which is thought to be the main active pain-relieving molecule.