green coffee bean powder


Cardiovascular system
Blood glucose
Sports performance
Cognitive function

Coffee trees are shrubs found in tropical regions. The composition of green coffee beans is essentially made up of polyphenols and phenolic acids, giving it antioxidant, renal elimination and thermogenic properties.

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Our references

soluble green coffee powder
Plant extract

>10% ac. Chlorogeniques


green coffee bean powder
Plant extract

>45% ac. chlorogénique – <2% caféine


soluble green coffee powder
Plant extract



and analysis

Identification: TLC

No data for traditional use

Plant bylaw file
grains de café vert

Detailed description

Coffee trees are tropical shrubs in the Rubiaceae family. Coffea arabica (the world’s main producer) and Coffea canephora (or robusta coffee) are the main species whose beans are used to make coffee.

Its composition consists mainly of polyphenols, phenolic acids such as chlorogenic acid (caffeoylquinic acids) and alkaloids, notably caffeine and theobromine.

Green coffee beans have antioxidant properties, contributing to normal liver function, kidney elimination and increased gastric acid secretion to aid digestion. Studies show that certain components of green coffee extract have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Last but not least, caffeine consumption may lead to a certain degree of long-term weight control, thanks to its thermogenic properties.