ESFRI®: a phyto-supply chain ensuring traceability, quality, and safety
Esfri® is a phyto-supply chain created in 2015 by 3 historical partners: Amoros Nature (Spain), Pharmanager Group (France) and NVH Italia (Italia). Esfri® is the achievement of all our know-how and our values. It is based on 3 essential principles: quality, security, and traceability.
Esfri® : fruit of a synergy of expertise
In 2009, the *EFSA has published guidance to evaluate the safety of botanicals used in food supplements. In France, since 2015, a decree requires every manufacturer to create a traceability, quality, and safety file.
To respond to this need of:
- traceability and botanicals safety
- perpetual market evolution
- increasingly strict regulations
We have initiated discussions with our partners about the need to provide an innovative solution for the food supplement manufacturers. We have thus developed a local sourcing project and agreements with producers in order to promote responsible crops both sustainable and environmentally friendly. The Esfri® phyto-Supply chain was born.
*European Food Safety Authority
Our primary focus is always to meet the expectations of our clients and to bring concrete solutions in their project development as an expert interlocutor of the ingredient.
Esfri® exists to respond to the demands for traceability and quality’s assurance of ingredients. We are transparent on every stage of the plant’s production from its growing conditions to its packaging. Therefore, we rely on specifications dedicated to Esfri® including all our quality requirements based on a risk analysis at each stage thanks to the HACCP method and the regulation (EC) No. 178/2002.
*Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Ethical and human commitments
Esfri® is based on valuable ethical and human commitments. This phyto-supply chain continues to evolve each year in terms of sourcing. Also, the reconciliation with producers is crucial to constantly improve crop and harvesting practices that are always respectful of the environment.
We are constantly striving to improve the quality of our plants because the aim is the satisfaction of the final consumer. Indeed, today’s consumers have become much more committed to maintain their health through more natural, transparent, and environmentally friendly products. Esfri® is part of this new lifestyle.
Together to represent Esfri® with our trusted partners AMOROS Nature and NVH Italia
Esfri® consists of a range of European plants such as artichoke, lemon balm, peppermint, horsetail, thyme, red vine leaf, etc… but also a range of foreign plants such as burdock, desmodium, guarana, hop, cola, hibiscus, etc… The Esfri® sector also continues to develop and expand its organic range.
In summary
Esfri® is :
- The assurance of complete traceability of our plants (geographical origin, growing and harvesting conditions, phytosanitary treatments, etc.) also meeting the requirements of the french Decree “Arrêté plantes”.
- Scientific and regulatory support at your disposal for the marketing of your products using botanicals
- The guarantee of the safety of our plants by systematically adopting good hygiene practices from the crop to processing and upon delivery
- The preservation of actives of our plants by carrying out many quality controls (pesticides, PAH, chemical identification, microbiology, heavy metals, TLC, etc…).
- Sustainability of raw material supplies